Expert Valley Looking Forward to Stanztec 2024!

Stanztec again at last! The seventh Stanztec trade fair for stamping technology is underway. The industry event will open its doors in Pforzheim from the 25th through the 27th of June, 2024. Attention will be focused on miniaturisation and functions integration, as well as the efficient use of resources and energy. Stanztec will provide practical answers to current tasks faced by the industry.
The mandatory hiatus seemed to go on forever, but suppliers and users of stamping technology are finally coming together again for their customary trade fair experience. The seventh Stanztec will take place at its traditional venue – the CCP Congress Centrum in Pforzheim – with regional affinities from the 25th through the 27th of June, 2024. And thus the regional supplier market in “Stamping Technology Valley” in and around Pforzheim will once again be provided with a proven platform for presenting its expertise in the fields of toolmaking, stamping technology and production peripherals. “In unison with the exhibitor advisory board, we’re looking forward to preparing the next Stanztec with renewed vigour,” says Georg Knauer, Stanztec project manager from trade fair promoters P. E. Schall. He expressly emphasises the meaningful thematic addition of Stanztec to the Blechxpo international trade fair for sheet metal working. “The industry sector meets at Stanztec as a regionally organised, but nevertheless internationally active special interest group. This trade fair underscores its professional and technological competence as well as its regional ties.”
Regional character, a complete range of technologies, practice-oriented solutions and an international expert audience – this is the pragmatic common denominator on which Stanztec’s concept is based. Renowned technology leaders and all-round service providers from the field of stamping technology are at home in and around Pforzheim, and have been attracting an increasingly international expert audience for many years. The companies in Stamping Technology Valley constitute a globally unique concentration of specialised manufacturers of stamping tools and stamping technology products. Consequently, Stanztec offers a very special platform for the targeted introduction of new products.
Regional Trade Fair Highlight with Leading Trade Fair Character
“The entire spectrum of technologies, processes, products, tools and production equipment within the context of stamping technology will be represented once again in 2024,” promises Georg Knauer. Trends and driving issues in stamping technology and toolmaking include progressive networking of components and processes, functions integration, increasing product individualisation and smaller lot sizes. The sustained shortage of qualified personnel is also a problem for stamping specialists, which is why high priority is being attached to increasing automation and ease of operation. From high-performance tools for series manufacturing of high-quality stamped parts to modern options for short-run production and peripheral offerings for production equipment, everything will be covered in Pforzheim in 2024.
As spokesman of the trade fair advisory board, Klaus Müller from Leicht + Müller Stanztechnik in Remchingen, Germany, points out the board’s unanimous support for the CCP venue: “The advisory board is convinced that the trade fair can sustain its status as a leading trade fair as it is – small, but exceptional and efficient. We’ll do fine with the limited space at the Congress Centre, and by means of this event we’ll continue to support the importance of Pforzheim as a business location along with Enzkreis county and surrounding regions in the future.” Stamping technology specialists are in great demand as suppliers to various industries such as the automotive, medical technology and chemical sectors. The industry thrives on continuous change and innovation. The high-end stamping technology showcased at the trade fair appeals to a demanding, world-class expert audience. For three days, the trade fair in Pforzheim, which takes place once every two years, will offer a platform for maintaining existing customer relations, acquiring new customers and a lively exchange of practical experience in the application of new technologies.
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Schall has developed successful business platforms with internationally recognised trade fairs for quality assurance (Control), optical technologies, components and systems (Optatec), stamping technology (Stanztec), automation in production and assembly (Motek), bonding technology (Bondexpo), plastics processing (Fakuma), sheet metal working (Blechexpo) and joining technology (Schweisstec). This has given rise to entirely new markets in various sectors, whose protagonists are distinguished by tremendous innovative strength, comprehensive systems competence and practical application solutions.