22. June 2018

Exhibitors Praise Stanztec 2018

Stanztec Fachmesse für Stanztechnik Unbenannt uai

Exclusive Meeting Place for Stamping All-Rounders and Sheet Metal Specialists

The sixth Stanztec trade fair for stamping technology from 19 to 21 June 2018 closed with highly successful results. Expert visitors with an interest in stamping technology were presented with worldwide offerings for stand-alone and system solutions unparalleled by similarly positioned events held in the past. 151 exhibitors from five countries and 3407 expert visitors from 31 nations came together on 3500 square metres of floor space (37,675 square feet) at the Congress Centre Pforzheim.

Stanztec 2018 Points Out Market Challenges and Appropriate Solutions

Numerous new products, innovations, modern solutions and services from the world of stamping technology were exhibited at the trade fair which was once again fully booked out. This is made possible by exhibitors who, amongst others, are at home as global market leaders in “stamping technology valley” in and around Pforzheim: technology leaders and service all-rounders in the field of stamping technology who have been attracting a more and more international audience over the years. “At the same time, the range of technologies, processes, products, tooling and production equipment associated in any way with stamping technology is continuously expanding”, observes project manager Georg Knauer of trade fair promoters P.E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG. Once again in 2018, Stanztec provided the right answers to the big questions of the industry sector, i.e. with regard to trends which are meaningful for stamping technology and toolmaking: more and more extensive networking of processes, functions integration and automation solutions. The drivers behind these changes include increasing product individualisation with smaller manufacturing lot quantities, and at the same time a growing lack of trained personnel. “Stanztec focuses attention on the essentials”, said Klaus Müller, managing director of Leicht + Müller Stanztechnik GmbH + Co.KG and spokesperson of the trade fair advisory board during his welcoming speech at the opening press conference for Stanztec.

The Right Answers to the Big Questions of the Industry Sector

Schall trade fair promoters have also proven their farsightedness by holding the right trade fair with the right concept at the right venue, noted Müller during the subsequent tour of the trade fair. “Stanztec is truly a jewel amongst specialised technical trade fairs.”

The technology leaders are currently faced with numerous challenges: whereas supply bottlenecks and the lack of qualified personnel are impeding the growth of stamping companies, the tolerances are becoming more and more strict and the quality demands placed on stampings are increasing. After all, stamping technology enterprises are in great demand as suppliers to challenging clientele such as the automotive, pharmaceuticals and chemicals industries. The high-end stamping technology on which attention is focused at Stanztec attracts absolute world-class expert visitors once every two years – from high-performance tooling for mass production of quality stampings and options for small manufacturing lots, right on up to offerings for peripheral production equipment. The percentage of expert visitors from foreign countries has been on the rise for years. 15% of the visitors came from outside of Germany in 2018, above all from Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Slovenia and Turkey.

Exhibitor Praise: Lively Exchange of Practical Ideas and Networking

The exhibitors and the members of the trade fair advisory board agree: Stanztec is becoming more and more attractive each year. On the whole, the internationalism and quality of the expert visitors was greater than ever before, exclaimed the booth personnel of several companies. “For exhibitors and expert visitors alike, a trade fair is only successful if it results in practical benefits”, says Knauer in explaining the trade fair concept. Issues addressed in detail in Pforzheim included, amongst others, practical feasibility, quick integration into existing processes and solutions to current problems. It’s not just about “seeing and being seen” – participation in this exclusive industry event is perceived as a boosting factor for the company image as well.


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