Gerweck GmbH
OberflächentechnikHall GS - Stand A64
- Sheet and semi-finished goods
- Surface finished, coated/polished sheet and strip
- Surface finishing technology
- Surface treatment, galvanic
- Surface treatment, mechanical (grinding, barrel finishing)
- General services
- Galvanizing suppliers

Indium plating technology for press fit applications. Gerweck
Indium plating technology for press fit applications.
Gerweck‘s own developed indium plating system GOpressIN significantly reduces the tendency of whisker development and therefore it is perfectly suitable for all kinds of press fit contacts.
The fine-grained indium layer is ...more

HIGH PRECISION PLATING developed by Gerweck GmbH Oberflächentechnik
Controlled Dip Technology
Performance deficits of standard immersion dip cells get improved by our new developed OVER CROSS cell design. Due to the reduction of the electrolyte meniscus in the plating cell, a very low tolerance in plating length can get ensured, even at higher plating ...more